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Croton Petra in Black Mid Century Ceramic Cylinder Planter


Croton Petra in Black Mid Century Ceramic Cylinder Planter


Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra’, is a tropical evergreen shrub found in humid areas, such as the western Pacific islands, Australia, and Southern Asia. With bold, vivid red, yellow, and orange hues, the Croton Petra is a popular relatively low maintenance tropical house plant once it situates itself in your home. With shiny, thick leaves, the croton petra may also flower and when cut, may bleed a milky sap. They are sought for their striking features and foliage, as they bring a bright pop of color into your home, office, or outdoor garden.

To keep it bright and cheery, make sure the soil is thoroughly dry between watering as too much water will cause wilting. Use a general fertilizer in a well-draining pot and do not feed in fall and winter. Provide adequate sunlight for 4-6 hours per day. Thrives in bright filtered light.