The Sansevieria Laurentii, more commonly known as “Snake Plant” is an evergreen perennial plant native to Southeast Asia, particularly to Sri Lanka and India. Characterized by the tall, yellow stripes that line its bright green leaves and creamy, wave-like stripes that dapple across the surface of its stiff, upright, and sword-like succulent leaves, the “Snake Plant” is a favorable choice for modern and contemporary interior designs. It is a hardy and low maintenance plant that remains very popular because of its adaptability to a wide range of growing conditions. Areas with medium to bright light is best, and although it can survive in low light locations, it will grow much slower and the leaves will become a darker green in color. Some notable benefits of the “Snake Plant” are that they have the ability to purify the air of volatile organic pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene, and while other plants release carbon dioxide at night, the “Snake Plant” continues to produce oxygen, making it an excellent plant to place in the bedroom.
Water once every 3-4 weeks and allow the soil to dry out completely between watering. Place in low to bright indirect or filtered light and maintain a temperature between 60-90F. Fertilize during the growing season with an all-purpose plant food.