The Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, more commonly known as the “Zanzibar Gem” or “ZZ Plant”, is the perfect choice for beginners and the sometimes-forgetful plant owners. It is characterized by its thick, shiny, oval-shaped, lush green leaves that taper to a point giving it a feather-like appearance and is popular for its whimsical form juxtaposed with its striking, shiny, deep green leaves that grow upwards on long stalks. Native to Eastern Africa, the ZZ Plant is a tough, drought and low-light tolerant plant that can survive for months without water and is able to handle long periods of neglect. Due to its hardy nature, water sparingly as it can easily be overwatered, and keep out of direct sunlight to avoid scorching their leaves. Add some green and liveliness into any space of your home or office with this nearly indestructible, yet stunning addition. Thrives best in low to moderate light and conditions.
Water once every 3-4 weeks and allow soil to dry out completely between watering. Place in medium to bright indirect or filtered light and maintain a temperature between 60-90F. ZZ plants are happy without fertilizer, but if you would like, you can give the plants half strength fertilizer one to two times a year and only in the summer months.